Wrist Watch Therapy

The whole world is a manifestation of Time, Space and Energy. Time in a man’s life is the most powerful element. Once the time is over, game over. And time moves in circular motion. Hence the time in a person’s life also keep changing. Good or bad, up or down.

Wristwatch denotes time and are always round and circular. The kind of wristwatch we wear programs our subconscious mind to manifest things in our life. Be it about self or relationships, money & professional success, our ability to learn new concepts or even the physical activity and work space.

The colour & size of the dial, outer casing, inner dial digits, digit size and colour, band, weight can all be customised to suit a specific requirement (e.g., for students or professionals or businessman etc) and create desirable qualities and traits to manifest the right things in life.

1. Wristwatch Selection for Individual

Free Bonus – Power signature formation for success

2. Shops and small offices

Free Bonus – Power signature formation for success

3. Large Businesses (Customized as per need)

Live Consultation

Our Services

What Makes You Special


The lines, loop and curves in your Handwriting & Signature can help you make more money and improve your self image.


Your life path and strengths are hidden in your numbers for you to decode them and use it for your success if you can read them.

Wrist Watch Therapy

The only “live” object on your body, it’s vibrations can create resonance to multiply your rewards and manifestation of your goals.

Consult with Expert

+91 9815179132 / rajivkuumararya@gmail.com