
Are you concerned about your career, finance, profession, health, relationships, marriage, children’s future or any other area of your life? Numerology can help you find solutions and move forward.

Numbers in your DOB hold the key to your God given gifts. You can identify your core competence to unleash your full potential.

A complete reading of your Numerograph helps you understand your attributes, characteristics and traits to navigate through life. Effective yet simple remedies for removing the obstacles and enhancing the vibrations to attract desired success.

1. Complete Analysis

  1. Personality Analysis
  2. Missing & repetitive Numbers
  3. Favourable and Anti Numbers
  4. Supporting Numbers
  5. Compatibility in Relationships
  6. Favourable Colours
  7. Renedies for upliftment of chart
  8. Name Spelling correction
  9. Business name correction
  10. Future trends
  11. Career guidance

Free Bonus – Power signature formation for success

2. Personal Name Correction

3. Business Name Selection

4. Couple Counselling

5. Marriage Proposal Compatibility

6. Career Guidance for Youngsters

Live Consultation

Our Services

What Makes You Special


The lines, loop and curves in your Handwriting & Signature can help you make more money and improve your self image


Your life path and strengths are hidden in your numbers for you to decode them and use it for your success if you can read them.

Wrist Watch Therapy

The only “live” object on your body, it’s vibrations can create resonance to multiply your rewards and manifestation of your goals.

Consult with Expert

+91 9815179132 /