
  • I failed in Network Marketing

    I failed in Network Marketing

    Good that I failed in Network Marketing!!!It led to my real passion and the true path of my life. Frustrated and furious at the injustices and politics of the corporate…

  • Did I come this far for this?

    Did I come this far for this?

    Did I come this far for this???It feels so lonely. As I continue my Journey Inside, it always perplexes that there are not many takers. I see people all around…

  • 30 Days / 30 Minutes Challenge

    30 Days / 30 Minutes Challenge

    Awaken the Shakti within या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता I नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः Navratri is the festival to celebrate the Feminine Divine within. Awaken the creative Shakti with…

  • Are you too Busy to Succeed?

    Are you too Busy to Succeed?

    “Really!!!!!! You mean you are too busy to work?”, I exclaimed with exaggerated gestures. “No no, actually there is so much pressure in office, come home late and then family, children…

  • Creating the Right Moment for Success with Wristwatch Design

    Creating the Right Moment for Success with Wristwatch Design

    “And what about the Wristwatch and Drawing Therapy that you swear by and speak so highly of”, Ram was relaxed now but not relenting. “We talked about two things. Every vibration…

  • Cure Diseases with Grapho Therapy

    Cure Diseases with Grapho Therapy

    “What about the diseases? I remember, in one of your videos, you talked about certain disease that can be cured through Graphology. How does that work”, Ram was really getting…

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