Know About Us

There is no greater bliss than to have your life path unfold before you and you be guided to follow. This is what happened with Rajiv with Numerology analysis of his DOB. Many questions were answered. The most important being, “Why am I the way I am”. There were many sign posts to guide.

Revelations dawned slowly, the transition took time but he was very gently led onto his mission to Help, Heal and Serve.

Rajiv had natural interests and inclinations towards occult and mysticism from the early childhood and was drawn to devouring the contents from Indian scriptures, mythology and the great saints and seers of India. A sense of déjà vu always prevailed.

He would often ask questions like “Who made God”, “What if the God also did not exist”, “Where would we be in after life” etc. The thirst to peek into behind the obvious was growing. As the saying goes, when the disciple is ready, the Guru always appears. And the Guru, Swami Kusumacharya did call him and Rajiv reached him through a series of miraculous and mysterious events in 1996. And the first meeting (in this present life) with Guru was a Divine experience of Guru’s Grace and Compassion.

But, as normally Sadhguru does, he raised more questions than answered and deepened the thirst further by giving a glimpse into the mysterious. Rajiv had many divine “anubhuties” (experiences) in the due course. Gurudev initiated him into Sadhna through Diksha, a process of Divine Energy transfer from Guru to the disciple.

A Chemistry graduate from the prestigious St. Stephen’s College, DU and MBA from Birla Institute, Rajiv worked in Corporates for 27 years and was an entrepreneur also for over 10 years. But nothing gave him the fulfilment he was seeking and always felt a void and emptiness. Destiny called and he quit effortlessly to practice the occult science of Numerology, Graphology, Wrist Watch Analysis etc. The ruling combination of number 7 (Ketu) backed by number 3 (Jupiter) found its full expression.

Vast readings of Hindi Sahitya and Urdu Poetry polished his understanding and appreciation of subtle nuances of life.

Blessed with a highly evolved subconscious mind and vast experience, communication style and a caring sensitive heart, he connects with people naturally, sees through the problem to identify the deeper issues and helps empower the person to take control of his life.


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