Unlock the Secrets of Your Sub-Conscious Patterns



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Know Your Numbers, Know Yourself



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Our Services

What Makes You Special


The lines, loop and curves in your Handwriting & Signature can help you make more money and improve your self image.


Your life path and strengths are hidden in your numbers for you to decode them and use it for your success if you can read them.

Wrist Watch Therapy

The only “live” object on your body, it’s vibrations can create resonance to multiply your rewards and manifestation of your goals.


How do we Help You?

The science of Numerology (analysis of your date of birth that makes you a unique person that you are) and Graphology (Handwriting & Signature analysis that reveals your habits and patterns) can help you understand yourself better and make the right decisions in your life.

Every journey starts with knowing What you are and Where you are in life and How you should move forward to achieve the results you desire. We equip and empower you with this understanding and give you simple (yet effective and inexpensive) tools and remedies and therapies to move ahead with confidence and create positive changes.

Here is where we can help you

  1. Money/Career/Job/Business/Profession
  2. Health and Wellbeing
  3. Relationships
  4. Marriage issues
  5. Match Making for marriage and business partnership
  6. Selecting the right name for your business/profession/product/child
  7. Right career for students
  8. Name and signature correction for maximum leverage
  9. Developing the right attitudes and winning habits viz. initiatives and boldness
  10. Better Communication
  11. Choosing the helpful and favourable mobile, house and bank account numbers.
  12. Overcoming limiting habits and beliefs viz. procrastination, fear, risk taking and lack of focus.
  13. Future trends
  14. Powerful tools and remedies to uplift your prospects and harness the positive energies

It will be helpful for you to review what our clients say about us in the “Testimonials” page.

Don’t hesitate to book a FREE introductory call to understand better.

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What We Do.

Why you should seek professional help?

Are you facing challenges and obstacles in your profession/career/finance or relationships or health or any other area of your life? And don’t know what to do. Or the situations seem beyond you and you don’t know the way forward. And you are left wondering, why me?

We try our best but can do pretty little about obstacles we don’t even understand. Formal education imparts technical competence but success, happiness and fulfilment in life are often left to chance. We just hope and pray.

That is precisely the time when you need an expert guidance to help you understand yourself better and know what works and doesn’t work for you. All professional athletes and super achievers have their personal coach or mentor.

A study of your personality, traits, attributes, patterns and habits, through Numerology (DOB Analysis) and Graphology (Handwriting & Signature Analysis) can help you understand your life path, make the best use of your God given talents and take the right action at the right time to create the desirable results in your life.

Numerology and Graphology believes in the philosophy of “karma” and that you can always create your life the way you want it. A thorough analysis of your DOB numbers, Handwriting & Signature and Wristwatch therapy just do that i.e. put you in the driver’s seat.


What Our Clients Say

Dr Mahesh Sharma

Medical Professional, Chandigarh

The analysis of my mobile number against my DOB and name number was amazing and he even told me things that only me and my close relatives knew. He also suggested the solutions to my problems related to career & finance.

Sid Ganguly

Entrepreneur, Toronto, Canada

Numerology consultation helped me redirect my life through challenging situations and put me back on track.

Ujjwal Acharya

Hotelier, Sydney, Australia

I was amazed as the session told me things that were actually happening in my life and things that only I knew about, just from my numbers and handwriting. I will very strongly recommend Mr Arya if you are looking for answers in your life.

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